How to Be Provided For as a Woman

Asha Oya
2 min readJul 10, 2022

Ladies, you didn’t think you’d get away without me noticing did you?!

After writing the post about men’s receptivity, I talked to my amazing friend & brother, Tom, about his ability to receive. While guiding & supporting him, I realized that I also have some resistance to receiving.

For cis straight women, this is often talked about in the context of being “provided for” by a man. Being “provided for” & being receptive are the same thing. Just a matter of semantics.

During our conversation, I had a flashback to my 1st serious relationship. That ended with my partner saying “You don’t need me anymore.” Yuck! Yuckiness aside, today something clicked for me. In that relationship, I struggled & wanted his help but I rarely asked. I didn’t feel worthy. I didn’t feel like he would want to help me. I didn’t want to “owe” him.

He never said anything to indicate as such. This was my trauma & conditioning telling me this story. As a result, I made a lot of decisions from that place of lack & continued to experience more of it, despite wanting to be & feel abundant.

When someone offers to do something for you, if your response is…

😣reject it

😣ask what they want in return

😣ask what you can do for them instead

😣feel unworthy

😣feel uncomfortable

😣think its bigger than what it is

😣feel like you owe them

😣feel like they have something on you now

😣think you can do it better

Then you have an opportunity to shift these beliefs & become more receptive.

It wasn’t until I started receiving from myself that I started to receive from others.

You are your first & last love. Love yourself throughly & everyone else will too.



Asha Oya

I create content that inspires & educates you to be a better human! I help you become your best self!